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Raw is a holistic approach to nutrition, which includes feeding ‘species appropriate’ raw whole food.
Good nutrition is the foundation for all preventive health care programs; just like humans, animals benefit from a healthy balanced diet too.
Nutrition is vitally important in the general health and wellbeing of dogs and cats. Everything they consume affects each and every cell in their bodies.
Balanced nutrition leads to a healthy immune system, resistance to disease, helping each cell to function at their optimum and to cope with life’s daily stresses.
Health and wellbeing will be greatly influenced by the quality of food, the bioavailability of nutrients and energy, daily exercise, living conditions, clean drinking water and of course, love.
Raw Feeding -
- Most effective biologically appropriate diet
- Better for overall immune function
- More nutrients are absorbed when eating raw vs dry kibble.
- Fewer allergy issues
-Better for skin/coat
- Better dental health
- Beter gut function, less inflammation
- Less poop.
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